Jill Spector – Presents, Presense, Presenxse
9th June – 17th July 2010
Opening bbq 5th June 2 – 6
American artist Jill Spector (born 1976 in Pennsylvania, USA) makes sculptures and wall pieces, which are put together from different materials and elements. Chicken wire, plaster, pillows, fabric, found objects, photographs and their photocopies make up these wondrous figures, which appear to be continuously changing like masked or costumed dancers, protagonists of endless possible stories.
The viewer also plays his part in this game: Spector’s pieces are rarely solid and the consciously placed openings allow insight into the inner life of the sculptures. The visitor is therefore lead to move around the work in order to inspect every hole, niche and alcove. At the same time these differentiate the figures from classical sculpture where lots of the artist’s influences are rooted. Jill Spector’s statement that movement is the building block of every gesture supports the performative aspect of her otherwise static works.
Every creative process is documented photographically by Spector. The resulting images become pieces in their own right, studies for possible future works or are integrated into the sculptures. Presents, Presense, Presenxse shows three new sculptures and three new wall pieces. It is the artist’s second collaboration with BolteLang after showing together at this year’s INDEPENDENT show in New York at the beginning of the year.
Jill Spector is exhibiting in Switzerland for the first time. She has previously shown in exhibitions at the Design Center, Los Angeles (2009), Kunsthaus Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum (2008) and the Pinakothek der Moderne und Nationaltheater, Munich (2007).